

2016-08-23 文清 西班牙国家旅游局
水墨丹青走进西班牙 Spain discovers the enchantment of  traditional Chinese paintings
2016年9月西班牙第十九届弗拉门戈双年展即将拉开帷幕,作为安达鲁西亚地区的唯一的塞维利亚弗拉门戈舞蹈博物馆将精彩不断,时逢博物馆创立十周年庆典,西班牙多位著名的弗拉门戈表演艺术家将在博物馆剧场驻场演出。博物馆同期举办由多国艺术家以弗拉门戈为题材创作的绘画作品展览。The upcoming the 19th flamenco art biennial will be kicked off in Spain in September of 2016. Being the exclusive flamenco art museum of Seville in this area, the museo del baile flamenco, Sevilla will constantly launch brilliant art performances and shows on the occasion of its 10th birthday celebration this year. Many renowned Spanish flamenco artists will dedicate their performances at the museum theater. Meanwhile, featuring the artists from many countries, the painting exhibitions on the theme of flamenco art will be held at the museum.
清字普汶,居士。从小就学习绘画的她,擅长中国禅画。也是国内目前既跳弗拉门戈舞蹈又进行弗拉门戈绘画创作的第一人。她受邀将携新近创作的近20幅中国水墨弗拉门戈绘画作品参加此次为期4个月的展览。Being the first Chinese artist who not only performing flamenco dance but create flamenco art paintings, Maggie Wen who started her painting experience since her childhood, was invited to participate this four-months painting exhibition with her latest about 20 flamenco painting works presented by Chinese ink-and-wash painting methods.
文清将自己在弗拉门戈舞蹈学习中的领悟与个人修行和绘画创作深度融合,用中国水墨画技法呈现出西班牙弗拉门戈舞蹈人物的精神灵魂,走出了一条独特的艺术之路,被西班牙塞维利亚弗拉门戈舞蹈博物馆馆长kurt先生称之为“第一位弗拉门戈禅者画家“。Maggie Wen was inspired a lot by her studying of flamenco dance, she created a unique and fantastic painting style with the deep combinations of her spiritual improvement and painting creations to express the soul of flamenco dancers through her works featuring the Chinese ink-and-wash painting methods. She was honored a title of “the first Zen-artist of flamenco art”by the curator Mr. Kurt of the museo del baile flamenco, Sevilla.
文清在职场打拼30余载,曾担任著名上市公司以及跨国集团公司高管。2013年她决定给自己的身心彻底的放一次假,就在这次休整中她重新开始与这个风雨兼程跟随自己几十载的自己亲密的相处了,当她沉淀下来惊喜的发现原来工作以及生活所经受的一切磨难与痛苦都是一种馈赠,而且,所有的际遇都围绕她最热爱的事情展开.......Maggie Wen had dedicated for nearly three decades in her occupations as a senior executive served for a listed company and international group respectively. In 2013, she decided to give herself a big vacation to relax and recover from body to mind thoroughly and it was during this period she got an opportunity to restart getting along with herself, a she deep inside who had followed her all the time. When she really stopped her steps and began to clear her minds, it turned out all the sufferings and pains from her work and life could be considered as the valuable gifts to her and all the things around her got to started along with her beloved arts…
八年前,文清开始利用业余时间学习西班牙国粹弗拉门戈舞蹈。舞蹈所传达的精神气质常常使她感动,而通过绘画真实的反观自己就像与画中的灵魂对话,一幅幅灵动的灵魂之舞使她完成了一次次的精神洗礼。每一幅作品都好像自己灵魂的述说, 真实不虚。弗拉门戈就是一种态度!这种极富感染力的绘画风格被广泛认同。2014年西班牙塞维利亚弗拉门戈舞蹈博物馆收藏了文清的绘画作品。文清认为舞蹈和绘画就如同人生一般,是一场永无止境的修行,渐行渐进。而她就是在这样的体验中开启了自己人生的精神之旅。Fell in love with flamenco and a life style!8 years ago, Maggie Wen started to learn flamenco dance, known as the quintessence of Spanish culture. Her heart was always touched by the spirit temperament expressed by this kind of art form and through the act of painting, she felt like she could see herself deep inside just like having a communication with the soul of the painting. She experienced the spiritual baptism time and time again along with her works presenting the soul of dancers’ and each of them seemed to recount a story from her soul in a real and true way.Flamenco got an attitude to life! This kind of impressive painting style was recognized widely and in 2014, the museo del bail flamenco, Sevilla collected her works. Maggie Wen believes dancing and painting is a never-ending practicing just like the everlasting self-discovery and spiritual improvement throughout her entire life.And That’s how she started her spiritual journey from her life…


The world’s famous tenor Maestro Plácido Domingo and Spanish best-known flamenco dancer Ms. Cristina Hoyos also send their celebration letters as soon as they knew that Maggie Wen would publish her painting album for this flamenco art biennial.

部分参展作品欣赏Selected painting works of Maggie Wen
部分油画欣赏Selected oil paintings of Maggie Wen
文清通过对弗拉门戈舞蹈艺术的悲剧性起源的探寻,把自身的种种际遇和过往咀嚼成了芬芳的禅荷,在这个过程进行了大量的绘画创作。《精神之旅画集》收录了她通过弗拉门戈舞蹈绘画与自身灵魂交流的点滴心得,每一幅作品都闪耀着灵性的光芒。她说“艺术可以释放压力也可以化解痛苦”。在喧嚣的世界里,如果能够静守内心的安详并找到一门自己喜爱的艺术来学习,把她根植于内心,如同在心田里播下了春的种子,走着走着花就开了⋯⋯After seeking and exploring flamenco’s tragic resource, Maggie Wen found there’re something really connected to her from life to mind. She had created a lot of paintings and this album, “A Spiritual Journey of Life”, somehow expressed a sense of spiritual achievement through the communications between flamenco dancing, painting and her soul. Every painting in the album shows the light of the spirit of hers. She said:”Art can release the pressure also could cure the pain.” In this busy world, if you could live peacefully and then find a kind of art form that you really love, then you devote all of yourself on it, and maybe one day, it will bring you entering into a whole new world… 
Maggie.Wen’s  Paintings《A spiritual journey of life》 文清《精神之旅画集》

